Goldtim Real Estate va propune spre vanzare un apartament superb, situat in cea mai exclusivista zona a Bucurestiului, pe bulevardul Primaverii, intr-un bloc dotat cu supraveghere video, paza, sauna si sala de forta pentru utilizarea exculsiva a locatarilor (doar 6 apartamente in bloc).
Apartamentul este luminos, complet decomandat, cu tavan inalt si camere generoase si se desfasoara astfel:
- livingul cu zona de dining au o zona mare vitrata care se deschide in intregime dand senzatia de terasa
- bucataria este complet mobilata si utilata cu cele mai de calitate electrocasnice si un spatiu generos de depozitare sub forma unei debara/camara.
- o camera/dormitor/ birou
- dormitorul matrimonial ale carui ferestre sunt vitralii autentice care dau un plus de intimitate
- doua bai
Toate spatiile casei sunt prevazute cu lumina de veghe pentru noapte si corpuri de iluminat gandite atent pentru a crea o atmosfera calda si placuta.
Incalzirea este atat prin pardoseala cat si prin calorifere, iar ventilatia este prin ventiloconvector individual.
Proprietatea este amenajata complet si se vinde ca atare daca se doreste.
Finisajele, piesele de mobilier (personalizate) si ornamentele sunt alese in cel mai mic detaliu dupa standardele cele mai inalte, cu o deosebita atentie la utilitatea spatiilor ( spatii de depozitare generoase, dressinguri).
Pentru extra spatiu, proprietatea are de asemenea o boxa la subsol amenajata si generoasa si un loc de parcare suprateran.
Bulevardul Primaverii este o locatie unde nu se mai construieste, de aceea rar apar pe piata proprietati in aceasta zona, ceea ce face ca acest superb apartament sa fie ideal atat pentru investitie cat si pentru resedinta
Va steptam cu drag la vizionari pentru a descoperi, nu numai o placuta senzatie de "acasa" cat si o introducere in lumea boema, exclusivista a Bucurestiului.
Echipa Goldtim
Goltim Real Estate offers for sale a superb apartment, located in the most exclusive area of Bucharest, on Primaverii boulevard, in an apartment building equipped with video surveillance, security 24/7, sauna and gym for the exclusive use of tenants (only 6 apartments in building).
The apartment is bright, completely detached, with high ceilings and generous rooms and is developed as follows:
- the living room with the dining area has a large glazed area that opens completely, giving the feeling of a terrace
- the kitchen is fully furnished and equipped with the highest quality appliances and a generous storage space.
- a room/bedroom/office
- the master bedroom whose windows are genuine stained glass that gives extra privacy
- two bathrooms
All the spaces of the house are provided with a night light and lighting fixtures carefully thought out to create a warm and pleasant atmosphere.
The heating is through both the floor and the radiators, and the ventilation is through an individual fan convector.
The property is fully furnished and can be sold as such if desired.
Finishes, pieces of furniture (custom made) and ornaments are chosen in the smallest detail according to the highest standards, with special attention to the utility of the spaces (generous storage spaces, dressing rooms).
Bulevardul Primaverii is a location where there is no more construction, that's why they rarely appear on the property market in this area, which makes this superb apartment ideal for both investment and residence.
We welcome you to viewings to discover, not only a pleasant feeling of "home" but also an introduction to the bohemian, exclusive world of Bucharest.
The Goldtim team