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Bucuresti, Primaverii

5.350€ + TVA
ID: P2565 528 de inchiriat
  • Nr. camere:4
  • S. utila:146.20 mp
  • Comp.:Decomandat
  • Confort:Lux
  • Etaj:Etaj 3
  • Nr. bucatarii:1
  • Nr. bai:3
  • Nr. balcoane:1
  • Nr. garaje:1
  • An constructie:2021
  • Structura:Caramida
  • Tip imobil:Bloc
  • Regim inaltime:P+6

Goldtim Real Estate va propune spre inchiriere o suita de lux intr-un Concept House care oferă o experiență de ospitalitate de clasă mondială. Exista solutii de inchiriere pe termen scurt si lung in idilicul cartier Primaverii. Apartamentele rezidențiale de lux cu servicii complete includ securitate 24/7, concierge, menaj săptămânal și un asistent personal. Cu zonele sale de relaxare, propriul magazin de specialitate, sala de fitness privată, sauna și locația penthouse, conceptul creează un sentiment de comunitate și permite noi oportunități de networking, care niciodată nu s-au crezut posibile pe piața rezidențială.
Aceasta suita are o suprafata de 146.2 mp si o terasa de 62.9 mp si se desfasoara astfel: 2 dormitoare, dotate cu asternuturi de bumbac si matase premium cu cromatica unica pentru fiecare dormitor in parte, 1 bucatarie cu toate echipamentele si accesoriile necesare, terasa cu mobilier si incalzitor, 3 bai cu prosoape, halate si cosmetice de cea mai buna calitate, 1 living room cu Smart TV ecran plat si sistem de sunet integrat si un birou/dormitor.
In living room si dormitoare aveti la dispozitie sistemul surround SONOS la care va puteti conecta cu o tableta Samsung din dotarea apartamentului.
Bucataria este complet utilata si echipata: pahare, vesela si ustensile pentru gatit, masina de cafea Nespresso, precum si consumabile ca: apa,pastile de cafea, tablete pentru masina de spalat vase, detergent vase si pungi gunoi. care sunt mereu improspatate.
Fiecare suita a acestui Concept House are un design unic cu mobila si arta de la artisti local.
Lounge-ul blocului va ofera posibilitatea de a va relaxa oferindu-va cafea si ceai, in interior sau pe terasa.
Posibilitatile de inchiriere sunt urmatoarele:

-1 luna - 6021 euro +TVA
-2 luni - 5804 euro +TVA ( pret lunar)
-3 luni - 5717 euro +TVA ( pret lunar)
-1 an - 4986 euro + TVA (pret lunar)
Acest concept este unic in Bucuresti si va ofera tot ce ati putea avea nevoie pentru o calitate a vietii ideala.
Va asteptam la vizionari,
Echipa Goldtim

Goldtim Real Estate offers for rent a luxury suite in a Concept House that offers a world-class hospitality experience. There are short and long term rental solutions in the idyllic Primaverii neighborhood. Full-service luxury residential apartments include 24/7 security, concierge, weekly housekeeping and a personal assistant. With its seating areas, its own specialty store, private fitness room, sauna and penthouse location, the concept creates a sense of community and allows for new networking opportunities that were never thought possible in the residential market.
This suite has an area of 146.3 sqm and a terrace of 57.6 sqm and is as follows: 2 bedrooms, equipped with premium cotton and silk bedding with unique colors for each bedroom, 1 kitchen with all necessary equipment and accessories, terrace with furniture and heater, 3 bathrooms with towels, bathrobes and cosmetics of the highest quality, 1 living room with Smart TV flat screen and integrated sound system and an office / bedroom.
In the living room and bedrooms you have at your disposal the SONOS surround system to which you can connect with a Samsung tablet from the apartment equipment.
The kitchen is fully equipped and equipped: glasses, crockery and cooking utensils, Nespresso coffee machine, as well as consumables such as: water, coffee pills, tablets for the dishwasher, dishwashing detergent and garbage bags. which are always refreshed.
Each suite of this Concept House has a unique design with furniture and art from local artists.
The block's lounge offers you the opportunity to relax with coffee and tea, indoors or on the terrace.
The rental possibilities are the following:
-1 month - 6021 euros + VAT
-2 months - 5804 euro + VAT (monthly price)
-3 months - 5717 euros + VAT (monthly price)
-1 year - 4986 euro + VAT (monthly price)
This concept is unique in Bucharest and offers you everything you could need for an ideal quality of life.
We look forward to seeing you,
The Goldtim team

  • Utilitati generale: Curent, Apa, Canalizare, Gaz, CATV
  • Sistem incalzire: Centrala imobil, Incalzire pardoseala
  • Climatizare: Ventiloconvectoare
  • Izolatii: Exterior, Interior
  • Pereti: Vopsea lavabila, Faianta
  • Podele: Parchet, Gresie, Marmura
  • Stare: Renovat
  • Ferestre: Aluminiu
  • Usa intrare: Metal
  • Usa interior: Lemn
  • Spatii utile: Terasa, Wc serviciu
  • Bucatarie: Mobilata, Utilata
  • Mobilat: Lux
  • Imobil: Interfon, Videointerfon, Lift, Spatii agrement, Sauna, Acoperis, Uscatorie